


The Descent series

Published by elenacaravela

My world is a wonder of visual candy and foreboding shadow shapes vying every waking moment for my full attention.

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  1. …..such a very sensitive expression .. a little diffident … but facing and looking forward …
    Lovely Elena .

  2. Wanted to leave comments on these a while back but i struggled to load your blog for some reason – I just utterly love this series Elena, it is just as if a memory, or an essence of history, the essential-ness of each person has made itself softly but assertively onto the if they had chosen a moment to drop back into, just for a second..I can’t put this into words very well but it’s just the elements of art, history and connection that I love..for me, these images are so very soft but slightly heartbreaking, a comfort and a tinge of sadness..this little girl gave me a lovely sense of recognition..I know I really do love them as I’m waffling again 🙂

    1. Cath, I not only understand exactly what you are saying, but I am so very grateful for your articulation. Yes, you know exactly how I feel while I’m painting these and exactly what I’m after. Can’t thank you enough, but a humble thank you will have to do:)