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Self Portrait          Oil on Linen 24″x 24″

It’s a big birthday, and I am grateful.

Published by elenacaravela

My world is a wonder of visual candy and foreboding shadow shapes vying every waking moment for my full attention.

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  1. I know I have already seen and probably commented on this on FB Elena but looking at it again it just amazes me,.. there is mischief in that face ! marvelous self-portrait.

  2. Happy belated birthday, great way to celebrate it with a lovely portrait. Wish I could do that – or maybe I should be glad I can’t, might be too psychologically revealing 🙂 I’m not too far behind you, soon to be LVII.

  3. So many things to like on this site! Most especially I love this self portrait — if I look closely, it looks like you crinkle your nose when you smile? An endearing trait my 40 year old daughter does to this day! I am fairly new to the blogging world (one month) and newer still to brining my inside voice out. If you look at my About, you’ll find I’m in my rejuvenatement period (certainly not retirement) and delighting in poetry writing classes. Hope you’ll stop by one day — the meandering can be a calming thing to do over your morning cup of coffee!
    Beautiful beautiful art!!

  4. The self portrait is so telling of your lovely personality here Elena ! I hope you had a seriously wicked and fun day for your LX Celebrations 😉

  5. Darling Elena, may you continue to grow more exuberant in your life with each succeeding year, just as you continue to succeed in growing more beautiful with each year. And beautiful looking on the outside, too! 🙂
