Stripes for Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday‘s prompt this week is stripes.  And, while my above entry is less an illustration and more a portrait, I couldn’t help myself.   I love to paint real people.   As my penance for not pushing the illustration angle, I decided to make watercolor my medium for this challenge.  My watercolor skills are well, not so hot.  And even though I smacked my hand when I reached for it, I confess to using opacity in the form of white watercolor in this. I know, I know watercolor is supposed to be translucent. There-in lies the beauty.  What can I say, I’m a layers kinda girl.

When I finished the painting, I had to scan it into Photoshop for cropping, and I did it again!  I picked up the highlights and messed with it some more.  Then, I found the black and white too strident and cold, so I sepiaed it up.

(original painting)                                                 (after digital enhancements)

That is my full confession.  I WILL try unadulterated watercolor again.  I want to,  but not before hiding my ever so tempting, gleaming tube of white.

Published by elenacaravela

My world is a wonder of visual candy and foreboding shadow shapes vying every waking moment for my full attention.

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  1. I’m intrigued by the subtle character differences between the images For me the sepia ‘portrait’ is decidedly more romantically mysterious than the original. I understand that digital enhancement might seem to conflict with your training and with artistic tradition but,when used sensitively and creatively,it is just another tool available to the artist.

  2. blimey, if this is you using a skill where you’re “not so hot…”
    what a lovely piece of painting. it’s probably naughty of me to say it, but i like the original painting pre-digitising even more!

    1. Thanks Emma. I’ve been wrestling with which image works better. It’s an old fashioned thing I think. I seem to want to model and render the heck out of everything, but I’m learning…

  3. Elena, I love this! You know, I’m a big fan of B/W, so don’t ever give that up! lol! But, it’s good to mix it up. I love the deviation in lines, which creates a sense of hypnotic movement…all this to say, I’m loving it! 🙂 🙂

  4. This piece is stunning! You’re technique obviously works for you so just keep on doing what you feel is right… the results speak for themselves.

    You have a grate talent… I wish I could watercolour 🙂

  5. After the digital enhancements, it gave it a softer look. There should be no rules in art. The end result is all that matters. I like this a lot.

  6. I love it so much! Yes, it’s opaque, but it’s so very well done with the tones and the shading and the modeling. Wow. I love the look on her face. It’s kind of Mona Lisa – ish. Excellent.

  7. LOVE it! I think your process is great and certainly works for you, Elena!! As far as not following ‘the rules’… your finished product certainly speaks for itself! I like the pre-computer enhancements also.