Christmas Past and Present


aChristmastreesculptures copy

*Many of you will remember my husband’s tradition of saving  the stump of our family’s Christmas tree every year, and carving it into the form of a creature.  Each creature represents  a sustaining memory of something significant to us in that year.  When he has completed the carving, he cleverly inserts a penny with the year’s date into the bottom of each little sculpture, to document its year.*    

The painting above is a still life of some of his creatures, that I painted as a gift for him.

blily copy


This year’s carving honors the memory of Lillith, our beloved feline hellion .  She recently passed on at nearly twenty- one years of age. We miss her very much. 

Below is sampling of  carvings from years past.  So far he has created one piece for every Christmas  we’ve been married-thirty one in all.

                                                                       From our family to yours, we wish you  a wonderful Holiday Season and a creative New Year.  
frog copyskunk copy

goose copywoodpecker copyfox

Published by elenacaravela

My world is a wonder of visual candy and foreboding shadow shapes vying every waking moment for my full attention.

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  1. Elena it took me hours to get to the bottom of the list here, but what a great journey it was and thank you for being a friend along the route. Super work by your husband and it is great joy to enjoy it all. Merry Christmas to your family x

  2. I just love everything about this post. I remember you mentioning about these carvings last year and it makes my heart feel warm to see them again! How lovely it will be to keep these for all the generations. Happy Christmas Elena!

  3. Lillith. Lovely name for a cat and I know you miss her.
    I was thinking of the Christmas characters the other day and I thank you for sharing them. Such a great tradition!

  4. This is such a wonderful tradition, especially that each carving is specific to the year. I’m sure they will be treasured by your family, they are such perfect, unusual heirlooms, clearly made (and captured in paintings!) with love. Have a great Christmas, I hope it is peaceful, happy and restorative. I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts next year, they are always inspiring! xx

  5. Incredibly touching tradition, Elena. He will love your wonderful painting. Joyous holidays to you and your family.

  6. Thank you for sharing this tradition so important to you and your family. I feel honored to know of it. Beauty is a gift that makes this life so worth living–one of many gifts, but I think a significant one. With a full heart Elena, Susie

  7. I remember from last year! The painting is beautiful and a wonderful combination of both of your efforts. So sorry about Lillith, I don’t recall if you mentioned her before, but what a long, grand life she must have had. 🙂

  8. These are fabulous! I especially like the fox and this year’s addition, Lillith. It’s sad to lose a beloved cat, even at 21 years of age, which is very, very old for a cat.

  9. How wonderful to see your holiday creatures again. I think I remember the very first magical creation. You are two of the loveliest people that I have had the great honor to know. Much love, happiness and health for this holiday and the coming year.

  10. A beautiful carving to remember Lillith and to add to this wonderful tradition Elena. I’m looking forward very much to 2015 and to more of your wonderful art! Happy Christmas! 🙂

  11. What beautiful tactile carvings to treasure each year end Elena !
    Wishing you joy and happiness over the holidays on into 2015 . It’s been another year of absolute delight opening up each and every one of your posts … thank you 🙂

  12. What a cool tradition! Merry Christmas Elena to you and your family. Love the painting of your holiday treasures from your husband. How wonderful to have those to remember each year that has passed.