She’s Gone

Thank you thoughtful blogger friends, for your good wishes.

Sandy has moved on. We’re fine, didn’t even lose power. Many were not so lucky. I’m sending the good wishes on to those who need them.

Published by elenacaravela

My world is a wonder of visual candy and foreboding shadow shapes vying every waking moment for my full attention.

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  1. You are so clever! I love this technique and hate you a little for having it šŸ˜‰
    Really like the effect and the feel it creates. You used it recently in another post that I really liked.

  2. Very relieved you are okay, Elena.
    The greens shades are lovely in this painting (teal and olive green type shades are both calming and refreshing to me when I see them, for whatever reason…lol)

    1. Oh yes. NYC’s transit is a mess as it the coastline of NJ and NY. We love our beaches, but the double edge is the wrath of the sea. The wind was fierce, but it was the flooding of the ocean that figured in most of the destruction. Many many without power probably for quite a while. We are really lucky.

  3. I love your watercolor work. The colors are wildly transparent and vivid, yet subtle & bold all at the same time. I just began to work with watercolors a year ago. You make it look so easy; the colors flow so casually into one another, yet I know how hard that is to achieve. Thank you so much for sharing your talents!

    1. Thank you, but I began this watercolor challenge to myself because I just could not work in transparent watercolor. I’ve found that the only way it works for me is spontaneous with lots of drippy freedom. Can’t make the tight stuff work.

  4. I’m so glad to hear that you are well. I was worried yesterday, for you as well as other friends, but you all seem to have gotten through it without any major issues. It’s such a relief. Lovely painting btw, she looks really happy in all the misery.

  5. Great to see you are fine, I was worried about you, can’t believe you did not lose power, my friends family is there, some can’t be reached and others didn’t lose power either.

    The woman above looks like she has weathered the storm and even has a few choice words for Sandy. She’s great!

    1. Thanks, this Sandy is pretty battered. Yeah, in my town about half of us are unaffected and the other half will be without power for what could be, a longish time. Sandy kinda swooped around us after the coastline and headed for poor NY.