Girls In Sight

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I’m pleased to invite you all to the opening of my show.  It’s called “Girls In Sight”.  If the images above look familiar it’s because the paintings that will be on exhibit are the very illustrations/portraits of the young women in my book “Portrait of a Girl and Her Art”.  They are oil,  mixed media, 30″x 40″ and incorporate a collage of the subject’s work in the back round of each painting.

If any of you live close enough to attend to opening, I’d be thrilled to meet you!


Published by elenacaravela

My world is a wonder of visual candy and foreboding shadow shapes vying every waking moment for my full attention.

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  1. Congratulations, dear Elena! Many congratulations! You are so talented!
    I would like to participate and I at the opening, but the distance is very large, unfortunately!
    I wish you much more success , dear Elena! Hugs, Ştefania! 🙂

  2. Oh my gosh, congratulations – I’d be there in a heart beat. Wish I was closer. Maybe you could take some photographs and post them here so we can enjoy at least a little of your opening.

  3. Congratulations! unfortunately, there is an ocean between us… too bad! I honestly wish I could come! I do believe you are amazing and this event will be/is a huge success! 🙂

  4. I wish I could come…but I have to cross the ocean!!!! 😉 but I can still wish you all the best 🙂

  5. Congratulations Elena!!!! Hope I could assist and see your work on live and know you in person too!! Since I live too far away to make this happen, I wish you all the best on your opening and all the exhibition. You´re a great artist and a very hard worker. Keep it up!!

  6. Congratulations and best wishes ! Now wouldn’t that be something to see …. maybe you will be able to take us on a virtual tour somehow Elena 🙂

  7. This is great news dear Elena, I am so happy to hear this, but also I am so sad that I can’t be able to be there… But my heart will be with you, Congratulations and Good Luck, Thanks and Love, nia

  8. Congratulations Elena! I love your portraits above and elsewhere on your site. I didn’t know you were in NJ — I’m in NYC — that’s close. If I had a car I’d drive out there.