The Haunting

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One of several paintings haunting me.  I’m holding myself to higher standards lately, hanging onto nearly finished pieces, putting them aside for weeks, seeing them anew and correcting.  Only after many improvements, am I letting them go.

There are a couple more waiting to be released…soon…maybe..;)

Precarious Cloaks


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Oil on Linen 11″ x 14″bcloaked4 copy

Oil on Canvas 8″ x 10″

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Oil on Linen 6″ x 8″


Oil on Canvas 12″ x 12″

New additions to  the “Cloaked” series.

Lots to say, this post…

These paintings are intriguing and confounding me.  Many attempts live under layers of grounding gray, waiting for a new painting to appear on the surface. The layered images are indeed cloaked;)  I’m not even certain that all of the images above will survive.  I’m giving them some time…  I’m after a particular trepidatious quality in a painting that actually “works”.

For a while now, I’ve been experiencing a pinched nerve in my back, so sitting at the easel and at the computer is uncomfortable. The easel is priority one, so blogging has been and will be spotty at best.  The upshot is that I’m not able to visit your blogs as often as I’d like, and I’m sorry about that.

Also, I’d like to provide a link to Six and Crows.  Some of my paintings have been paired with fine poetry and a really terrific blog.

One last thing. I’m terribly excited that one of my “Cloaked”, “Persistence of Vision” to be specific, is being shown at the Crane Arts Gallery 105 in Philadelphia as part of the “Old Enough to Know Better” exhibit!  The show is presented by Woman’s Caucus for Art, Philadelphia Chapter.

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Oil on linen 24″x 30″

I haven’t posted for quite a while, but I’ve been working on the “Cloaked” series and larger figure paintings.

Though I employ friends and family to pose just as models, these paintings most often turn into portraits, like the one above.


Looking For Light

b-copy-1While struggling with the dark “Cloaked” series, I felt compelled to search for a little light.  This is one of two recent pieces expressing that urge to find the light.  Tomorrow, another light seeking painting.

Newly Cloaked


bred                                                                        Oil on Canvas 8″x10″

I’ve painted five new “Cloaked” pieces but this is the only surviving painting.  More to come (I hope).


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11″x 14″ Oil on Linen

“Cloaked” is essentially the next- generation in the “Divide Series”.  Much like the original “Divide Series”, there is a barrier-a separation between the individual and the world.  In this new series, the divide takes the form of a headpiece.  Its connotations may or may not be religious,  from a time long past, or a time yet to come.

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9″x 12″ Oil on Canvas

The surface of each painting is both textured and glossy, much like the feel of old Flemish portraits.  Sorry I’m unable to show you here, but I’m sure you get the idea.

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12″x 16″ Oil on Linen

I’m pretty excited about them:)

One, Two, Three


Occasionally, someone will ask about my painting process. I have in the past, posted my usual digital painting and oil painting process.  But once in a while, I’ll choose this method.  It’s not an overall block-in, refine and refine again way to work.  It is instead, a little by little fill in method. While this technique can be fun, I don’t recommend it to anyone who is just starting to paint. Nor is it a way to work with a live model as your subject.  But, if working from one of your photos, it’s a nice change of pace.

Most painters who use this technique virtually finish an area before they move on.  I continue to go back and rework, just not as much as I do with an overall blocked- in underpainted method.  Many artists who employ this technique use far less color and create much tighter paintings. My finish (below) is about as tight as I like to get, regardless of the method.  But next time I work this technique, I’m going to limit the color significantly.  The color here is a little too exuberant.  Color, edges, highlights- all fighting for attention.  So next time, less of everything:)   I’ll let you know how it goes.

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Portrait of S

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Oil on Linen 24″x 24″

One of those paintings that I keep fussing with.  I’ll probably give it a week of rest and then fine tune it a little bit more.



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16″x 20″ Oil on canvas

A more limited palette.  I often lean on color to help me create form and interest. With this painting, I’ve limited color and used it sparingly, paying closer attention to line and shadow.

This painting was my third effort-same subject, and the only one to survive;)

Secrets On The Breeze

lostinthoughtOil on Linen 24″x 24″

This painting has been “finished” for a couple of weeks now.  However, I’ve tweaked it almost every day for the past two weeks, each time thinking “ok, now it’s finished”.  It’s finished:)

Study of D:Looking up


I’m mad about linen.  Stretched, rolled, less expensive or deluxe, it IS my favorite painting surface.

It felt decadent to use linen for a study, but I got over the splurge;)

It May Be Spring


It may be spring, but in my neck of the woods, Mother Nature takes one springy step forward and then two frosty steps back.   A crocus or two have emerged, but nothing much that’s green has appeared yet.  In the swamp however, the migratory birds are back, and all of our bird population is busy with checking out mates and real estate.

All of the photos I’m bombarding you with, were captured yesterday or just a few days prior.



Alla Prima 8″x 10″

I’ve been absorbed-finishing up some new work and painting over some old work.  I hope to post new paintings and also hope to be visiting your blogs very soon.

Happy Spring!

This painting is the third effort to inhabit this canvas.


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Oil on Linen 24×24″

A product of my recent exercises in backlight and line.  First in a series.

Oh, and I’m pleased to share that my work and links are now included in the directory/gallery of the curated site, Figurative Artist.